Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

When does the child say it's too late?

When does the child say it's too late?

The growth of each child is different stages, including the stages of running. There's a boy who may have been able to walk in less than one year, while the other kids can walk in the age of more than one year. It's certainly normal to happen. However, exactly when can the boy be late running?
When should kids start learning to walk?

Walking is an important development process on the child. Children have to go through different stages until they can actually walk themselves. Start from learning to roll first, sit down, then crawl, creep, then walk yourself.

Generally, most babies do their first step at the age of a year. Then, at the age of 15, most of the babies can walk alone without help. However, there is also a new baby able to walk alone at the age of 17 or 18 months. You don't have to worry about this.
When will the child be said to be late?
You may be concerned with the development of the motor child if the child continues to crawl and slither while the other boy his age can walk However, do not hurry to assume that your son is late running. It could still be in the development of a normal child. Then, when does the kid say it's late?
If your son hasn't been able to walk alone without any help at his age who has stepped on 18 months, this might be said that your son is late running It can be unusual but it may still be normal or can also indicate there's something wrong in child development.

What is the cause of the child running late?

The child could be too late to walk because it is less support from his family and environment, so the muscles of children are not strong enough to be able to walk alone at To get strong muscles, children's muscles must continue to work and be trained by doing various activities aided by parents.
Meanwhile, if parents or family rarely do activities with children or children are too much sitting (not supported for learning to walk), child muscles may not work well. It can make a child late running.
In addition, conditions such as hypotonia (Tonus Muscle) and hipertonia (High Muscle muscles) can also cause child trouble to walk because less can control the balance of the body.
Not only is it, pelvic dysplasia or pelvic dysplasia in the baby can also cause the delay to walk. The slanted side of the baby can make the baby feel pain when it has to sustain his weight on the run. Pelvic Dysplasia can be tagged with one of the feet looks shorter than the other leg.

When should I check on the doctor?

Checking into a doctor might be able to get you to release a little bit of your concern about the lateness of the child's You can consult a doctor and find out what caused the late child to walk, whether there is an anomaly or anything else.
Better, get your son to the doctor if:
• Children haven't been able to run at the age of more than 18 months
• Child walking only on his toes (Jinjit)
• You have concerns with children's feet
• One foot of a child is different with another one-Foot Movement (such as crippled)
Prevent the risk of prostate cancer with 8 healthy habits

Prevent the risk of prostate cancer with 8 healthy habits

Prostate Cancer is one of the most common kind of cancer for the people of Adam. Prostate is an organ that lies under the bladder. These organs are useful for producing semen. According to the CDC, prostate cancer is the most most frequent cancer in men in the United States, and 1 of 100 men of 60 s will have prostate cancer before they reach 70 years. Then, how do I prevent prostate cancer?
What a man has to do to prevent prostate cancer.
The risk of a man has a prostate cancer going to increase with age. In fact there is no way that finite proved to prevent a full prostate cancer, but research shows that a change of lifestyle and healthy food can help reduce the risk of men experiencing this disease.
1. Often eat tomatoes and other red fruit

Tomatoes, watermelon, and other red foods have an antioxidants named lycopene. The more red of a tomato, the more content content. Some research shows that the man who consumed these fruits has a smaller risk to experience prostate cancer compared to those who do not. Other research shows that cooking tomatoes makes your body easier to absorb the contents of the lycopene in it.
2. More fruits and vegetables

The nutrients and vitamins in the fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of having prostate cancer. Green vegetables contain a compound that can help the body destroy the carcinogenic substances. In addition, the higher nutritious food can also prevent the spread of cancer.
3. Eat fish

The Omega-3 acid can lower your risk experience prostate cancer. The Omega-3 can easily find on various kinds of fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon. Compared to consuming fat meals, consuming fat food plus with fish oil supplements has proven to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells.
4. Tea and soy milk

An active compound in a tea called isoflavon has proven to be able to lower the risk of prostate cancer. This nutritional is usually contained in tofu, lentils, and beans. Some research also shows that the men who drink green tea or mengonsumsinya in the form of supplements have a lower risk experience prostate cancer compared to those who do not.
5. It's okay to have a cup of coffee

Studies for decades, indicating that consuming coffee may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, keep in mind that caffeine in high doses can impact a negative for health, such as causing an irregular heartbeat and even seizures. The Mayo clinic suggested to consume the caffeine by 400 mg per day for adults or equivalent to 1½ cups.
How coffee turns out, too. A research suggests that a man who drinks coffee is directly brewed aka kopi bump has a smaller risk to experience prostate cancer compared to those who drink coffee filters with coffee paper. Chemicals and kahweol in coffee turns out to have an effect against cancer. The researchers believe that these chemicals will be left on paper filtering when coffee gets filtered first.
6. Quit smoking

Suffering from prostate cancer patients tend to risk a relapse. The Smokers are also more likely to experience an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
It's never too late to stop. Compared to the remaining smokers, former smokers who have stopped for more than 10 years have the same risk of death with those who have never smoked.
7. Diligently exercising

Has too much fat, especially in the center of the body increases the risk of having prostate cancer. Exercising regularly can help you maintain weight, muscle mass, as well as metabolism. Try to walk, run, ride, or swim.

8. diligent checkup to the doctor

Ask the doctor how risky you can experience prostate cancer. Some things you can discuss is a test what you can do to know the risk of your prostate cancer, how family history affects the risk of your prostate cancer, and eating patterns like what your doctor is recommended to prevent prostate cancer. Immediately let the doctors know if you experience symptoms such as discomfort in the pelvis or the anal area, it's hard to pee, or there's blood on your urine / semen.
5 Myth of prostate cancer that you don't need to believe anymore

5 Myth of prostate cancer that you don't need to believe anymore

A lot of prostate cancer circulating in society is often misleading. The more you believe these scientifically-Proven Myths, the harder you find the real facts. What is there, this simply makes your recovery a cure from the cancer itself.
To straighten out the wrong information, here is a variety of prostate cancer that you don't need to believe anymore.
Some myth of prostate cancer which has been disproved by a medical world

1. Prostate Cancer only experienced an old man

Wrong. Prostate Cancer is rare at age under 40, because one of the risks is an old age. However, does not close the possibility of a productive age man can also get a prostate cancer.
The risk of a man has a prostate cancer in a young age can be increased by being affected by unhealthy lifestyle, such as the habit of staying late, rarely sports, and excess body weight due to a A prostate cancer that appears at a productive age can appear only the size of walnuts, and getting bigger and more complaints as age.
Therefore, men must always beware the risk factor and detect symptoms of prostate cancer since early.

2. Often sparking prostate cancer

Wrong. Men who often ejaculate are less risky to have prostate cancer. The research conducted by Harvard's health professionals suggests that a man who ejaculates 21 times or more in a month risky 33 percent lower to prostate cancer than men who only ejaculate four to seven times in a month.
Prostate is an organ responsible for producing semen. The less you accumulate, the more carcinogens it is piled up in sperm and / or semen.

3. Rarely fuck increase prostate cancer

Having sex regularly can avoid you from a scary cancer for these men.
Reporting from the daily mail, sexual activity has a protection effect against prostate cancer. Prostate functions to arrange 30 percent of semen or sperm and release semen.
When a man has a sexual relationship, it means a lot of semen comes out. Out of semen could be one of the body mechanisms to cleanse the prostate of unnecessary substances and may cause illness in the long-term.

4. Men who have had a high-Risk Vasectomy have prostate cancer

Wrong. This myth caused the onset of doubt to most men in deciding to get a vasectomy. Fears, this permanent contraceptive method causes men to be riskier in prostate cancer.
This assumption began with a research stating that a vasectomy increases the risk of a prostate tumor by 10 percent and 20 percent risk of a fatal prostate cancer. However, after further examination by various newer research, this risk is not proven.
One is the original study of the university of Toronto that involves almost 2.000 men who had a vasectomy. The result has only been found 50 men who died of prostate cancer.
Means, the vasectomy is not proven to increase the risk of a man against prostate cancer.

5. Prostate Cancer can not be prevented or curable

Wrong. The development of this myth is more aggravating. In fact, the cancer is said to be a lifestyle disease. Preventing Prostate Cancer can be done by applying healthy lifestyle and away from the risk factor.
You are advised to avoid high-fat food and red meat. In addition, you can also consume tomatoes and soy beans and diligently exercise to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Is the testosterone too high with prostate cancer?

Is the testosterone too high with prostate cancer?

Testosterone is often associated with sexual vitality and male machismo. That's why a lot of men are competing with testosterone in his body in various ways. But it seems you need to be more careful. A number of research reports that the rate of testosterone is too high can be a factor of prostate cancer. Why is that?

What Causes Prostate Cancer?
Prostate Cancer is the kind of cancer that attacks men most often. Estimated one of the seven men is at risk of this cancer.
Cause of prostate cancer is still unclear until now. Nonetheless, the prostate cancer can occur when the prostate cells develop out of control so form an urgent tumor and damage the surrounding tissue. The prostate itself is a gland the size of a walnut that lies under the bladder. Prostate producing semen that carries sperm.
A dna mutation can cause the prostate cells to grow fierce and split itself faster than normal cells, so it makes it a cancer cell. A dna mutation caused by prostate cancer especially triggered by the aging factor, but its development can be accelerated with unhealthy lifestyle. Such as rarely sport, smoking, and fat eating patterns that can trigger obesity.
Why is the high testosterone hormone related to the increasing risk of prostate cancer?
Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the testicles. Ideally, testosterone levels should be balanced. Cannot be redundant or lacking.
Some research suggests that it is true that testosterone can trigger the growth of a prostate cancer. A study of Oxford University published in bmc medicine, for example, reports that a man of high stature is more vulnerable to malignant prostate cancer. Meanwhile, the other research conducted by Harvard's someone team professionals reported that a man who experienced a hard ejaculation or seldom ejaculation is also more risky with prostate cancer.
These two research has the same red thread, which is the amount of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is basically responsible for producing sperm and helping to grow up and maintain the mass of muscle and bone.
High levels of testosterone aid the formation of large high-body posture, related to early puberty and nutritional fulfillment in early growth period. Certain hormones and food that induce growth in childhood can increase the risk of men against prostate cancer.
In the meantime, the prostate continues to produce sperm. But emakin seldom you ejaculates, then the more testosterone and the carcinogens are piling up in sperm and / or semen in a long period of time. Long ago, these foreign substances can cause inflammation and strong expected can be cause of prostate cancer.
Nonetheless, the relationship between excess testosterone levels with the increased risk of prostate cancer is still controversial. There is no scientific study that can prove a direct connection between the height of testosterone with the risk of prostate cancer.
The height of testosterone doesn't always cause the increase of PSA Rate, prostate cancer factor
In a study of the year 2015 derivatives of medicine, the increased hormone rates of hormone therapy did not result in increasing rate rate antigen (PSA). Prostate Cancer can happen when a PSA rate increases in blood.

It shows that the high levels of testosterone are not the primary measures that can be made risk causes of prostate cancer. In fact, a number of research proves that people with low testosterone levels are more risky than prostate cancer.
Because the data is still mixed, the experts and doctors around the world haven't been able to agree whether the lack of testosterone affects the growth of prostate cancer Still needed further research to strengthen the evidence around these theories.

Better to prevent prostate cancer with healthy life patterns
Right now the cause of cancer itself is still being researched. However, you can prevent the emergence of prostate cancer with the following things.
• Keep your eating patterns and increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit.
• Avoid food with saturated fat.
• consumption of food with the omega's fat acid-3, for example of the fish.
• Keep your weight in order to remain ideal. Check if your body weight is now ideal at bit.ly/indeksmassatubuh or in this link.
• Stop smoking.
• Check to the doctor when you feel symptoms like a lot of small water, take away small water, and pain when it takes a dump or ejaculation.